SOCIALIST WORKER: The system runs over people

Miguel Castaneda reports on Occupy San Diego activist Raul Carranza’s personal struggle to stop cuts in funding for the disabled.

“My plan was to stay at UCLA, but I saw how stressed out my mom was,” Raul said. “My brother was also very sick at that time…my mother was falling apart. I dropped out of UCLA and re-enrolled in Southwestern College. I was in class up until this semester when I had to drop all my classes so I could focus of fighting the case full time. So they made me choose between fighting for my life or going to school.”

Raul threw himself into Occupy San Diego:

If it wasn’t for Occupy. I wouldn’t be where I am now. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure everyone gets the benefits that they need because I’m not the only one that this happened to. There are a lot of people that aren’t as lucky as I am, they don’t have the family support.

People don’t have this support and can’t fight for themselves, so the system just runs them over. I want to be able to help them as well.

Read More: The system runs over people |

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